Monday, November 28

One perfect rose


A single flow'r he sent me, since we met.
All tenderly his messenger he chose;
Deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet -
One perfect rose.

I knew the language of the floweret;
'My fragile leaves,' it said, 'his heart enclose.'
Love long has taken for his amulet
One perfect rose.

Why is it no one ever sent me yet
One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
Ah no, it's always just my luck to get
One perfect rose.
                                          (Dorothy Parker) 

Vestit H&M.
Mitges Asos.
Penjoll Misako
Ballerines Asos.

Wednesday, November 16

Your private garden.

Song of the day: The Bright - YOUR PRIVATE GARDEN.

Vestit / Robe / Dress: Asos.
Mitges / Collants /Tights: Asos.
Sabates / Chaussures / Shoes: Asos.

Thursday, November 10

Poets alone should kiss and tell.

Song of the day: Arcade fire - ROCOCÓ.

Daily I listen to wonder and woe,
Nightly I hearken to knave or to ace,
Telling me stories of lava and snow,
Delicate fables of ribbon and lace,
Tales of the quarry, the kill, the chase,
Longer than heaven and duller than hell-
Never you blame me, who cry my case:
"Poets alone should kiss and tell!"

Dumbly I hear what I never should know,
Gently I counsel of pride and of grace;
Into minutiae gayly they go,
Telling the name and the time and the place.
Cede them your silence and grant them space-
Who tenders an inch shall be raped of an ell!
Sympathy's ever the boaster's brace;
Poets alone should kiss and tell.

Why am I tithed what I never did owe?
Choked with vicarious saffron and mace?
Weary my lids, and my fingers are slow-
Gentlemen, damn you, you've halted my pace.
Only the lads of the cursed race,
Only the knights of the desolate spell,
May point me the lines the blood-drops trace-
Poets alone should kiss and tell.

                                                  (Dorothy Parker) 

 Vestit negre / Robe noire / Black dress: Zara
Vestit torrat / Robe marron / Brown dress: Asos
Penjoll / Pendentif / Necklace: Misako
Mitjons / Chaussettes / socks: Asos
Sabates / Chaussures / Heels: Zara.

This could be paradise.

Jersei / Pull: H&M (F/W 11')
Faldilla / Jupe / Skirt: H&M  (F/W 10')
Penjoll mirall / Pendentif mirroir / Mirror necklace: Misako ( (F/W 10')
Mitges / Collants / Tights: calzedonia (F/W 11')
Sabtates / Chaussures / Shoes: Pull & Bear (F/W 11')

Wednesday, November 2

Chant d'automne.


 Bientôt nous plongerons dans les froides ténèbres;
Adieu, vive clarté de nos étés trop courts !
J'entends déjà tomber avec des chocs funèbres
Le bois retentissant sur le pavé des cours.

Tout l'hiver va rentrer dans mon être : colère,
Haine, frissons, horreur, labeur dur et forcé,
Et, comme le soleil dans son enfer polaire,
Mon coeur ne sera plus qu'un bloc rouge et glacé.

J'écoute en frémissant chaque bûche qui tombe ;
L'échafaud qu'on bâtit n'a pas d'écho plus sourd.
Mon esprit est pareil à la tour qui succombe
Sous les coups du bélier infatigable et lourd.

Il me semble, bercé par ce choc monotone,
Qu'on cloue en grande hâte un cercueil quelque part.
Pour qui ? - C'était hier l'été ; voici l'automne !
Ce bruit mystérieux sonne comme un départ.

Soon we shall plunge into the cold darkness;
Farewell, vivid brightness of our short-lived summers!
Already I hear the dismal sound of firewood
Falling with a clatter on the courtyard pavements.

All winter will possess my being: wrath,
Hate, horror, shivering, hard, forced labor,
And, like the sun in his polar Hades,
My heart will be no more than a frozen red block.
All atremble I listen to each falling log;
The building of a scaffold has no duller sound.
My spirit resembles the tower which crumbles
Under the tireless blows of the battering ram.
It seems to me, lulled by these monotonous shocks,
That somewhere they're nailing a coffin, in great haste.
For whom? — Yesterday was summer; here is autumn
That mysterious noise sounds like a departure.
                                              (Charles Baudelaire)

                                                                                                 Vestit / Robe / Dress: Asos
Jaqueta / Cardigan: H&M
Mitges / Collants / Tights: Asos
Foulard: H&M
botes/ Bouts: Bershka
Penjoll / Necklace: Misako

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